• Old Testament
    • OT History
    • OT Prophecy
    • OT Poetry
  • New Testament
    • NT Introduction
    • Life of Christ
  • Selected book studies:  OT books and  NT books


Theism, Bibliology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology ;Textbook- Systematic Theology by Oliver Buswell

(Four Parts)- Textbooks- Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin, An abridgement of Institutes by Timothy Tow


Four Parts)- Textbooks- Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Shorter Catechism, Westminster Larger Catechism; Westminster Confession of faith Commentary(Truth’s victory over Error) by David Dickson, Westminster Confession of faith Commentary by Robert Shaw; Shorter Catechism Sermons by Thomas Watson ,Larger Catechism commentary by Vos, Larger Catechism Commentary by Thomas Ridgley

 ( One Part)- Textbooks-Westminster Directory of Public Worship & Family
Worship, Gospel Worship by Jeremiah Burroughs, Worship by Hughes Oliphant
Old,Our Worship by Abraham Kuyper, The worship of the English Puritans by
Horton Davies

(One part)- Textbooks-A Treatise on Baptism by Matthew Henry, Mystery of the Lord’s supper by Robert Bruce, Treatises on Sacraments by John Calvin, Lord’s Supper by Robert Letham, Q&A on Sacraments by Francis Turrettin,Sacramental Discourses by John Owen.

(Two parts)- Textbooks-Mystery and Marrow of the Bible by Francis Roberts, Economy of the Covenants by Herman Witsius, Covenant of Grace by Turretin – Twelfth topic in Institutes, Christ of the Covenants by O Palmer Robertson

(Two parts)- Textbooks- Method for Prayer by Mathew Henry; Leading in Prayer by Hughes Oliphant Old, The secret Key to heaven- Thomas Brooks, Lord’s prayer by Martin Luther.

(Three parts)- Textbooks- History of the Reformation by Jean Merle d’Aubigne, History of Protestantism by J A Wylie, 2000 years of Christ’s Power- Nick Needham

(Two Parts)-Textbooks- Israel’s History by Leon J Wood;The Kingdom of Priests by Eugene H Merrill, Israel- Davis/John C Whitcomb,History of the Israelitish Nation- Archibald Alexander, Kings of Israel & Judah – George Rawlinson

(One part)- Textbooks- Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics by Walter C Kaiser; Principles of Biblical Interpretation- Louis Berkhof, Hermeneutics: Principles & Process of Biblical Interpretation by Henry A Virkler, Biblical Hermeneutics by Milton Terry.


(One part)-Textbooks- Westminster Form of Government, Divine Right of Church Government by London Ministers and works of Smectymnus group, True nature of a gospel church by John Owen, The Church of Christ- James Bannerman,The Church by Turretin, Elder-Cornelis Van Dam, The Deacon- Cornelis Van Dam, The Ruling Elder- Samuel Miller, The Elder and his work by David Dickson.

(One part)-Textbooks- Mortification of sin by John Owen, Indwelling Sin by John Owen,Sinfulness of Sin by Ralph Venning, The Original Sin by Anthony Burgess, Unregenerate Man’s Guiltiness before God by Thomas Goodwin, Sin in General and in Particular & Free will of man in State of Sin by Turretin, Bondage of will by Luther.

( Two Parts) – Works and Person of Christ -Sermons by Thomas Goodwin; Glory of Christ by John Owen, Person & Mediatorial office of Christ by Turretin in Institutes, Person of Christ by John Owen,

Textbooks- Lectures to my Students by Spurgeon, Art of Prophesying by William Perkins, Thoughts on Preaching by James W Alexander, Homiletics & Pastoral Theology by W G T Shedd, Sacred Rhetoric by R L Dabney, Sermons of Jonathan Edwards, Sermons of John Calvin.

(Two parts)- Textbooks-Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson, Decades by Henry Bullinger, Exposition of Ten Commandments by Ezekiel Hopkins, Question and Answers on Ten Commandments from Francis Turrettin’s Institutes, Doctrine of the Christian Life by John Frame

   (Two Parts)-Textbooks- Works on Holy Spirit by John Owen; Charity and its Fruits by Jonathan Edwards;The doctrine of the     Holy spirit by George Smeaton;Holy Spirit by Sinclair Ferguson; Work of the Holy Spirit by Abraham Kuyper.